إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

The #1 currency converter and tip calculator in the world, including Global Foreign Exchange Rate and Tip Calculator!

No matter where you are, Calc Plus could provide many features for travel and business. The global foreign exchange rate would be update every second. Calc Plus is the most powerful, simple and elegant tools allow you to convert currency and calculate tip quickly and directly.

*Free to use*
No any in-app purchase
No any advertisement
Ad-free application

*Easy to use*
Calc Plus has the most accurate and reliable data provider.
One click to convert
Clean Design
Standard built-in calculator

*Accurate and reliable foreign exchange rate*
Real-time conversion
Synchronized conversion of calculated results

*Offline Mode for Traveler*
Avoid roaming fees
Use the last historic foreign exchange rate to calculate

Made with love by Nianyu!
Thank you using Calc Plus!
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Email Support at [email protected] for real-time and friendly assistance and support.